Blog Archive
The Primacy of Payback Periods for Energy Efficiency
Book Review: Speed & Scale
Bounding Boxes for all US Counties
Tip for Installing Orfeo Toolbox Plugin for QGIS on MacOS
Cleaning Berkeley Earth's BEST Gridded Daily Temperature Data
Bounding Boxes for All US States
A Better ZIP5-County Crosswalk
Large Stata Datasets and False Errors about 'Duplicates'
Identify nth-Degree Neighbors Using R's Simple Features Package, Simply
Local Macros in Stata Using Regular Expressions
Converting .TXT/.GRD Climate Data Files to netCDF Format
Visualizations Gone Wild
Recent Trends in Women's Employment in Rural India
San Francisco-Stanford Commuting
Effortlessly Merging 1,000s of Raw Data Files with Stata
Towards Closing Gender Data Gaps
Stata-Latex esttab Regression Table Output Streamlining
Stata: Union of Macros
What We're Watching: Muralidharan and Basu
Stata: Reghdfe and factor interactions
Tutorial: FuzzyWuzzy String Matching in Python -- Improving Merge Accuracy Across Data Products and Naming Conventions
Merging Innumerable Tables into LaTeX? (Mac OS/X)
NCO 1968 Occupation Codes
On Working with India's NSS Data in an OS/X Environment
Screen Sharing and Yosemite
CHIRPS v. 2.0 Released Today
Calculating degree days with NumPy
VNC Computer Setup
New PCF World Forum Newsletter
Carbon Footprint Reduction Services
Product Carbon Footprinting Conference: Berlin, Feb. 26/27
Products or product constellations?
The (carbon) label says it all
Shenzhen: 1, Detroit: 0
Climate Change Photography
What can a single company do? or, A whole lotta carbon