This is a curated list of software/tools/resource guides that I have found useful over the years.

Remote Sensing Data and Analysis

  • Google Earth Engine – the default environment for processing satellite imagery
  • UAF Alaska Satellite Facility – great selection of tutorials on SAR data and processing
  • NASA ARSET video tutorials – cover topics spanning flood detection, water quality monitoring, land cover mapping, etc.
  • ML 4 curated page of ML resources for remote sensing, with focus on introductory materials; covers topics like land cover classification and time-series analysis. Draws heavily on Medium and Towards Data Science posts.

Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Design Tools and Methods

Indian Agriculture, Environment, and Development

NCAER ARIS-REDS – Rural Economic and Demographic Survey, Round 2006

  • Crop listing codes (converted from Appendix-2) – category groupings are blank in the “CODE” column and include all crops until the next category (XLSX format)
  • NCO_Codes_2006 (converted from Appendix-2) – unsure which vintage of NCO codes these are drawn from, but this is the tabular form [converted using] of the PDF documentation (XLSX format)

India – Labor Data

India – Geographic Resources

Python & Programming

Stata Tools


Survey Data Analysis and Visualization

  • SuAVE: Survey Analysis via Visual Exploration
  • Color Brewer 2.0: Color Advice for Cartography
  • Colorpicker: Brings Gregor Aisch’s recommendations within reach

Climate Data Tools

GHG Emissions and Emissions Monitoring

Economic Development – General Resources

Food and Agriculture Data

US Data

Data [General]

Research Productivity

  • Inciteful - build a network of academic articles to facilitate lit reviews