Regular expressions can dramatically make your scripting simpler, more automated, and enable you to embed systematically-important information in filenames, variables, dictionaries, and paths. With enough practice, xkcd reminds us that regexp can also make you a superhero.

Stata provides a very nice table of their regular expressions and offers some helpful examples, but these seem more geared towards creating derivative variables, like extracting the area code from a telephone number string variable. Other objectives require a different tack.

I often want to use regular expressions to make a local that can be manipulated on the fly. Consider scanning through a vector of variable names and extracting some key feature, like a two-letter state abbreviation or a four digit year. In such a case, I don’t want to create a new variable (it’d hold the same value across all rows anyway), so the standard gen newvar = something approach isn’t going to apply here.

When exporting weather data, I’ll save temperature-specific values in a unique variable. For example, the total number of days in a season that a given pixel is exposed to temperatures between 23.5ºC and 24.5ºC might be named tempExpos_24.

We could then run something like,

if regexm("`x'", "([0-9][0-9])") { 
    loc degree = "`=regexs(1)'"

to extract the temperature, and then do anything from constructing new variables that use that value, renaming the variable (e.g., converting ºC to K), or exporting to file with a meaningful name.

Another possibility doesn’t directly require an if statement, but follows immediately after a display. Given the fn local which takes a filename as a string, a regexp local can be made with syntax like,

di regexm("`fn'", "(_ppt_)([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])(_)([a-z0-9]*)(_)")  
    loc year = regexs(2)

These are departures from the more usual regexp application of generating new variables from other variables, like in this example,

gen dum_val = regexs(3) if regexm(parm, "(_)(tmaxpop_)([0-9]*)(_)")

which followed a parmest dump of model estimates.

And lastly, a more complete example of how multiple locals can be used in an iterative process with regular expressions. What this code snippet does is scan through a locally-defined range of variables, and constructs an aggregate degree day measure relative to an adjustable lower bound (y). Since this is a composite function requiring many adjacent variables, it is continuously redefining itself until it reaches an upper value, which are the dataset-specified *_max variables that precede the snippet.

// manually-identified data-specific season temperature max 
loc ERA_Kh_max = 44
loc ERA_Rb_max = 36 

loc IMD_Kh_max = 40
loc IMD_Rb_max = 34 

loc APHRO_Kh_max = 42
loc APHRO_Rb_max = 35

** Construct cumulative harmful degree day totals for a range of potential cut-off points 
foreach sea in "Kh" "Rb" {  
    foreach z in  "ERA" "IMD" "APHRO" { 
        forval y = 26(1)31 { 
            gen `z'_`sea'_`y'plus_tmeanDD_Sum = 0 
                lab var `z'_`sea'_`y'plus_tmeanDD_Sum "Cumulative degree days >= `y' for `sea' Season, using `z' Temp Data [tmean DD approach]"
            // collect all variables for the specified temperature range 
            unab `z'`y'plus: `z'_tmeandd_`sea'_`y' - `z'_tmeandd_`sea'_``z'_`sea'_max' 
                foreach x in ``z'`y'plus' { 
                    if regexm("`x'", "([0-9][0-9])") { 
                        loc degree = "`=regexs(1)'"
                    loc degint = int(`degree')
                    replace `z'_`sea'_`y'plus_tmeanDD_Sum = `z'_`sea'_`y'plus_tmeanDD_Sum + ((`degint' - `y') *  `x')               